Pass Your Delaware Electrician License Exam!

Need to pass your Delaware Master, Journeyperson, or Residential Electrician Exam, order this course!
Licenses issued by examination.
Choose your option below to get started immediately on our self-paced online classroom.

One-year online access unless you pass sooner: Accessible from any device with internet access!
Our guided self-study schedule contains the following:
Electrical Theory – eCourses
- Basic Electrical Theory
- Basic DC Theory
- Basic AC Theory
- Ohms Law
- Test Equipment
- Electrical Theory Chapter Questions
Blueprint Reading – eCourses
- Label Systems & Schematic Reading
- Construction Drawing Tutorial
- Blueprint Reading Chapter Questions
Navigating the 2020 NEC – eManual
Our “Navigating the 2020 NEC” eManual helps students learn to navigate the National Electrical Code (NEC).
When you master the code, you master your Exam!
This eManual is the heart of the training program. It will familiarize you with the use, layout, and content of the 2020 NEC.
eManual includes:
- How to navigate the 2020 NEC
- Understanding of the terms, concepts, and layout of the NEC.
- Speed drills
- Code navigation exercises.
- Code skimming exercises
- Breaking down questions by subject:
- Keyword Identification: how to identify the subject of a question for easy reference.
- How to search for a code article by referencing the INDEX.
- Code reference example questions with in-depth solutions.
Study Questions & Simulated Final Exams
- GUIDED CHAPTER QUESTIONS This covers all Delaware Master Electrician, Journeyperson Electrician, Limited Electrician or Residential Electrician License exam questions and answers within our course. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location.) These questions exist to provide a framework for you to practice locating the answers to questions through the use of your NEC Codebook. The process of constantly utilizing the code to answer practice questions will build up your speed and code knowledge to pass your electrical exam successfully.
Questions also include the following topics:
- Electrical Theory Questions
- Blueprint Reading Questions
- Calculation Questions (Load Calculations, Conduit Fill, etc.)
- ONLINE FLASHCARDS: Virtual Flashcards provide individual randomized questions. This provides access to our entire question set and is an ideal setting to practice answering randomized exam questions. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location).
- SIMULATED FINAL EXAM: Final exams simulate the experience of taking your actual Master Electrician, Journeyperson Electrician, Limited Electrician, or Residential Electrician License exam.
Simulated Finals Are:
- Full length (Same number of questions as the exam)
- Timed (Same amount of time allowed as the exam)
- Randomized (Questions are assigned randomly; all exams are unique.)
- Properly Balanced (All questions are balanced according to the Candidate Information Bulletin to guarantee a realistic exam simulation)
Take as Many Timed Final Exams as You Want! (Practice final exams help you rapidly gain confidence and knowledge to pass your Master Electrician, Journeyperson Electrician, Limited Electrician, or Residential Electrician License exam effortlessly.)

Please get in touch with the Delaware Board of Electrical Examiners for current information. Licensing requirements change, and our site may not have been updated to reflect those changes.
QUESTION: Who is required to have a Delaware Electrician license?
ANSWER: All individuals engaged as Master, Journeyperson, or Residential Electricians performing work must be licensed by the Delaware Board of Electrical Examiners.
QUESTION: What are the qualifications required for taking the Delaware Electrician exam?
Master Electrician:
- six years of full-time experience
- OR; four years full-time experience under a Master Electrician only AND an official transcript showing two years of technical training.
Journeyperson Electrician: See road map on page 2
Residential Electrician:
- have over 4000 hours of full-time experience under the supervision of a licensed limited or master electrician
- OR; have completed a residential apprentice program approved by the Board AND pass the residential examination.
QUESTION: Is there reciprocity in Delaware for the electrician exams?
ANSWER: If you are currently licensed by another jurisdiction (state, U.S. territory, or District of Columbia), you may apply by reciprocity. The requirements vary depending on whether any jurisdiction where you hold a current license has licensure standards that are substantially similar to Delaware’s standards. If your current license was issued by a jurisdiction where the standards are not substantially similar to Delaware’s standards, you must provide proof of practice for at least five years after licensure. For complete instructions, see Licensure Requirements.
QUESTION: How do I sign up for the Delaware Electrician exam?
ANSWER: The Board of Electrical Examiners must approve you to sit for the examination.
To apply to take the required exam(s), you must first create a DELPROS user account. Go to the DELPROS online portal, and then click on Apply/Manage a License and Service Requests. If you:
- are already an existing user, log in with your email address and password under the existing user section.
- have not yet created a DELPROS user account, click on REGISTER.
After creating your user account or logging into the DELPROS online portal, you may begin your application for licensure to take the required exam(s).
When the Board has reviewed and approved your application, you will receive an email notification stating you have been approved to sit for the exam. You will receive a separate email with the examination registration form from testing vendor, ProV.
- Upon approval: schedule your examination appointment online, navigate to the following URL:
QUESTION: Are there any accommodations for the Delaware Electrician exams?
ANSWER: Prov complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in providing special accommodations for candidates that require additional assistance during the testing process. If candidates feel that they qualify for a special accommodation during testing, they should contact Prov at (866) 720-7768.
- Prov will require written documentation from a licensed physician or psychologist documenting the disability and further require a request describing the requested remedy. Prov will then work directly with the candidates to make the accommodations they will need to complete their examination.
QUESTION: How many questions and how long are the Delaware Electrician licensing exams?
The Master Electrician exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions. Test takers have 3 hours to complete the exam. The exam is open-book with authorized materials and computer-based.
The Journeyperson Electrician exam consists of 70 multiple-choice questions. Test takers have 3 hours to complete the exam. The exam is open-book with authorized materials and computer-based.
The Residential Electrician exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions. Test takers have 3 hours to complete the exam. The exam is open-book with authorized materials and computer-based.
The following codebooks are allowed by the testing center.
- The NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code, 2020 Edition.
QUESTION: What can I bring to the PROV testing center?
- Approved references
- Calculator. Only simple 4-function calculators are permitted. PDAs, tablets, cell phones, or other special calculators are NOT permitted.
QUESTION: Where do I go to take my Delaware Electrician license exams?
ANSWER: PROV Services. PROV maintains 4 testing locations across Delaware.
For a complete listing, reference page 4 of the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation – Candidate Information Bulletin.
QUESTION: Will PROV review my results if I fail?
ANSWER: You may request a review of your exam only after failing an exam category a minimum of two (2) times. To be eligible for a review, you must score within 10 points of the required passing score. The review for all tests is 1-1/2 hours in length. During the review, you will be presented with the questions you missed on your most recent examination. Additionally, you will receive the answers you chose for those questions. The review will be conducted under the same testing conditions as the exam using the same test security rules.
- The cost of the review is the same as the exam fees and is based on when you wish to review your test. Candidates will request or schedule a review using the same methods described earlier for scheduling.
QUESTION: Why should someone study this course if the Delaware electrician license exam is an open-book test?
ANSWER: The electrical licensing exam is a very challenging test and usually requires a month or more of preparation to pass.
The 2020 NEC is a large and complex publication containing over 800 pages of code. It is challenging to locate each correct article and answer in the time allowed during the exam without thorough preparation.
Our course is designed to familiarize you with the 2020 NEC. You will know precisely how to find the correct answers in the code when you take your exam.
We prepare you to successfully pass your exam by providing extensive knowledge of the structure of the code and by thoroughly covering each subject appearing on your Delaware Electrical License Exam.
QUESTION: Why is a copy of the 2020 NEC required by this course?
ANSWER: The Delaware Master, Journeyperson, or Residential Electrical License Exam is based on the 2020 NEC. This course is an excellent study companion to the Code. This course makes frequent references to code sections and guides you through the exam topics.
The Electrical Licensing Exam is an open-book code exam. To pass, you must continuously reference the 2020 National Electrical Code.

General Information Links:
- Delaware Division of Professional Regulation – Candidate Information Bulletin:
Exam Scheduling – Exam Content – Testing Center Locations
- Electrician Licensee Search Tool:
Check Electrical License Status
Electrician Application:
- Delaware Electrician License Application
Applications and requests for services (referred to as Service Requests) are processed in DELPROS, our online licensing portal.

The Delaware Electrician exams are selected randomly from a database of thousands of potential questions. Memorizing answers is not the path to passing your exam!
If you understand how to locate exam answers in your 2020 NEC codebook, you should be able to answer 100% of these practice questions correctly within 60 minutes.
We teach you how to navigate your codebook & pass your exam. “Master The Code, Master The Exam!“
Use the 2020 (NEC) National Electrical Code to solve the Delaware Electrician Exam quiz you plan to take.
Delaware Master Electrician Exam Quiz
Delaware Journeyman Electrician Exam Quiz