Your Certificate of Completion – Arkansas CE

Congratulations on completing your Continuing Education hours for Arkansas Certified Electricians.
Your Certificate of Completion is attached.

You’re almost done. Follow the next steps to complete the certification process BEFORE

  • Complete the application. Go to Electrician License Renewal.
  • If you are renewing in the new ELP system for the first time, please contact our office
    through the email link to obtain your account user ID:
  • School Name: Thompson Learning Co and Course ID#: E23163. However, if you
    did part of your hours at another school, add them separately.
  • Sincerely,

    Metta K Holliday X 103
    Vice President
    Thompson Learning
    dba. Electrical Certification Consultants
    530 Alameda Del Prado, Suite C-165
    Novato, CA 94949
    Toll Free- 866-685-8564